AMA with GEM Collectors — 11–04–2021

Trustworks Global
12 min readApr 14, 2021


Dear TrustX community,

Here’s the Recap of the AMA conducted on 11 /04/2021 by R.J. (Rashid Jamal Co-Founder) hosted by GEM Collectors Telegram group.

Crypto Grunter:

Lets begin with an introduction round. Please tell us abit more about yourself and elaborate your role within the trustworks team!

RJ: Ok sure. I am RJ, have been working in the blockchain space since 2017. I look after the strategy and operations of Trustworks Global along with my Co Founder Yupi, Marketing and SonGoku as Head of Contracts.

Then we have a dev team, business development and accounts professionals working day and night to help us reach our mission.

Crypto Grunter: Is trustwork the first project you have been working on?

RJ:We had the opportunity to incubate projects within Trustworks ecosystem since 2017. so had the pleasure of advising few promising startups and working hand in hand with Public and Private sector organizations in the South East Asians regions.

Crypto Grunter: Cool is there a link between these projects and Trustworks?

RJ: We won an award for training over 1,000+ developers on blockchain and distributed ledger technologies.

Trustworks has been working as an incubator of various projects, starting with Azaad Health, Xord, mParsec, Cubix etc. We have also developed MVPs in the Digital Identity and Voting systems for the government of Pakistan. However, the adoption cycle takes a long time :)

We are now building TrustX, 1st of its kind Social App for gig economy infused with NfTs and virtual world.

Crypto Grunter: Awesome! You guys also did a hacketon back in 2018. Could you tell us more about it?

RJ: Yes, in collaboration with Global Blockchain Consortium and Ministry of IT, we organized a nationwide Hackathon on Financial Inclusion and the winner of the hackathon is a now one of the biggest blockchain development companies in their region. You may review here

We have also organized Pakistan Blockchain Week 2018, first of the only global blockchain events in the region ( )

Crypto Grunter: Impressive! I recognized the hacketon from back in 2018..

Are there plans for more hacketons?

RJ: Yes, we are constantly working with academia and mentoring students of computers on blockchain technology while organizing in house pitch deck events, idea competitions and MVP hackethons regularly.

But thats our evangelism division looks after the community development side of regional strategy.

Crypto Grunter: How does Trustwork benefit from these hacketons (lots of community members dont understand such events)

RJ: We are one of the only blockchain company focused in the emerging asian markets. It helps us achieve our vision of educating regions where cutting edge knowledge is needed. This also helps us expand our reach to regions like UAE, India, Srilanka etc etc ..

Crypto Grunter: This also serves the hole crypto market by expanding the crypto adoption..

RJ: Of course.

Crypto Grunter: Educating people about crypto. Good job guys, I support / appreciate such projects!

RJ: Thank you. On the product side, we are dedicated with TrustX, our social app. This is our global project and we are positioning it accordingly.

Crypto Grunter: Lets head to the most important part! Could you tell us more about the unique social app called ‘’Trustx’’ app? What are the key features within the app and elaborate the utility of the $trust token.

You read my mind..

RJ: Ok,TrustX is the future of gig economy. We did our research and it was pretty obvious that products and services are now well observed in a social environment. With the invent of NfTs, this has become an area for the masses to create their own economy and participate in the capital generation aspect of NfTs through social app.

For this we are lining up 3 verticals.

1. Social Media

2. NfT Marketplace with no coding knowledge and one click NfT creation

3. Design tech web app.

We believe not everyone has a design skill, but we all have inspirations. Since Trustworks is already well equiped in the convergence of blockchain and AI, infusing a design tech will help everyone express their creativity and learn along the way.

This would be the V1 of our app launching in Q2 june.

In Q3 an Q4, we will be optimizing and adding virtual worlds, in an effort to create a virtual life for everyone that can relate to our real world.

We will be introducing chill out zones, art galleries, NfT awards/competitions etc.

All of this through simple UI.

Crypto Gunter:The $trust token will function as a payment currency within the trustx right?

RJ: Yes, it’s a utility token.

Trustworks decentralized ecosystem works on three fundamental pillars.

$TRUST Tokens

DAO Passive Income NfTs

Charity Mechanics

Yes. Its a utility token

Crypto Gunter: And what role does the AI have within the app?

Rj: Design AI Tech, it’s an area which is getting started with so much innovation that it was unthinkable before. With Design AI tech, artist now a days are being ever so creative that it literally contradicts with the fear that humanity is in jeopardy cause of the advent of AI.

Its not that, AI will not take jobs, it will rather help/assist skills and will disrupt orthodox approaches of doing things.

That is in turn creating huge opportunities and creating new industries such as design tech.

Crypto Gunter: Trustworks runs a NFT dao system (which I really like). What is main benefit of holding a DAO NFT? And what is the utility of a NFT DAO.

Why should someone vote?

RJ: Holders of our Governance/DAO NfTs will be able to take part in passive income model.

Built-in the app, we have a revenue model, 1% of the fees goes to founders, similarly 0.5% of the fee within the app will be collected in a whitelisted wallet and will be distributed to each DAO member on a monthly term.

Which creates a passive income model for our long term supporters and believers of the TrustX.

Crypto Gunter: Do these DAO members need to stake their DAO NFT’s?

RJ: So, DAO participants will grow with the growth of the project, they will participate in voting mechanics for future decisions.

Crypto Gunter: To earn passive income?

RJ: Yes, there is a criteria to enter in the DAO network. For the next 3 months i.e. till June 30, we will be releasing rare NfTs to farm from our NfT farms. Those who collect minimum 30 NfTs in one wallet, will enter the DAO passive income model. They will be asked to stake their Trust tokens and hold their DAO NfTs to stay in the network. Minimum Trust staking requirement is 1000 Trust.

Crypto Gunter: Loyal users get rewarded..

RJ: That’s the idea.

In May, we are integrating Aragon Blockchain DAO community framework, this will be our start to the governance mechanics.

I suggest everyone to follow instructions about how to farm our NfTs here

Crypto Gunter: Good choise in my opinion! Any sneakpeaks of these rare nft’s?

RJ: Some of our NfTs

Our App UI

Crypto Gunter: Slick designs!

RJ: Atm, we have 11 NfTs available to farm. Anyone can stake 100 Trust minimum and maximum 1500 to earn points, once you have collected enough points, you can claim our MfTs for free.

Crypto Gunter: these mock ups look solid

RJ: These are Trust pools we are starting for liquidity mining with PRISM Launchpad.

This should be ready in 10 days.

Crypto Gunter: What is the expected apy on the liquidity mining?

Any estimation?

RJ: Not started yet, so we can only give you number of days, APY depends on how many participants are there in the pool. So in the beginning the APY will be extremely high and as more and more people will join, it will adjust accordingly.

Crypto Gunter: Yeah correct! When will the liquidity mining start?

RJ: PRISM is optimizing the Pool UI, we have had a successful public test last week. So expecting the pools to be live in maximum 10 days from today.

Crypto Gunter: Bullish..

I personally going to participate in this event

RJ: Thank you Sir !!

Crypto Gunter: The nft’s seems really nice. I recon the effort that you guys put in the designs..

RJ: Yes, since we are creating something for artists too, we have a budget for artist on boarding and influencer on boarding when we launch the app in Q2. So getting the right designers and providing slick designs are important.

Crypto Gunter: Lots of crypto projects primarily aim on increasing the wealth of their own team members/ token holders. However, you guys also take care of other people. This is reflected in the charity mechanics. I really appreciate suchs intensions. Could you tell us a bit more about how this charity mechanism works

RJ: None of our NfTs are on sale. This is not our business model, they rather work as governance within our ecosystem. So we decided to give back to the community by creating a whitelisted wallet for NfTs where all royalty amount will be collected.

If any of our NfT holder decides to sell our NfTs, there is a 30% royalty on each trade. once we reach a threshold of $10,000 we will reach out to the icons and ask them to nominate a charity of their choice. This event will be documented and marketed from all Trustworks channels.

Our revenue model is app.

You may review our FAQ on our website for further details on Charity mechanics

Crypto Gunter: love this

Transparency is key in the crypto world

The public team aspect is also a good sign for potential investors. It creates a sort of rare trust. Especially in the bsc space..

Crypto Gunter: There are lots promosing upcoming events on the roadmap (CEX listing, NFT farms, NFT marketplace, Mainnet launch and partnerschips). Could give us some details about these events?

RJ: Ok, let me put them in order.

We have already started NfT farms in collaboration with, cross chain NfT marketplace for the masses. In future, we will be having our own farms and that will be in Q2.

The NfT marketplace is part if the app, so the launch will be with the app launch in June.

We decided CEX listing would be best just before the app launch, so we are shortlisting exchanges such as Houbi, Kucoin etc. Trying to avoid tier 3 exchanges tbh.

This month, we are creating a bridge to eTrust. And eTrust will be listed on Uniswap through a bridge.

This will help us in getting more exposure from Eth ecosystem, part of our cross chain integration, next month we will move to Layer 2 MATIC. Then Cosmos, ADA etc etc … it will be an on going process for this year.

Community expansion is also lined up in Q2, we have a Chinese community, the regional community expansion works well with our mission of adoption. So Singapore, UAE, Africa etc are next in our expansion cycles.

Crypto Gunter: Great creating bridges to other blockchains, resulting in more traffic / volume…

Looking forward to these events.

What is the current marketcap / circulating supply?

RJ: Circulating supply is 590k since dev funds, team tokens and pools are locked. So they are out of supply. MC is nearly 1m atm

Crypto Gunter: Wow lots of room for growth

With so many upcoming events..

RJ: It’s better to develop and let he organic growth take its toll. The hype cycle only stays in a silicon valley kind of projects that we see a lot these days :) which only caters for the top tier aka (whales).

Crypto Gunter: Yeah I agree. No PND price action

But sustainable growth

Crypto Gunter: Lets head to the community questions!

Answers as many as you want!

Community: Hi ir. @RJTrustworks

As it is known, there is a condition when the token has reached its highest price and suddenly many holders will sell their tokens and make the token price fall. How Trustworks prevents this from happening.? Sometimes I think, Do you have a feature that keeps the price of tokens stable and makes the satisfaction of keeping their token as a long term investment ??

RJ: We are building an app. Not building a price action platform. We do not control price and people, those who see the benefit and growth in our project are the smart ones. And we have all sorts of investors in the space.

Community: I read on your website that TrustX is launching an NfT Social Marketplace, where artists can selling products directly through social media network. Can you tell us more about this Marketplace? Who can join it as an artist and how? How will the process for it be and what rules will you have when it comes art displayed there? Also, a lot of projects these days are launching their own Marketplace, what will make TrustX’s Marketplace different from its competitors and make it stand out among all of them as the go to option for artists or Content creator?

RJ: Anyone who thinks he/she has a talent, can become a start in TrustX. We mean ANYONE !!

Community: TrustX moving into the NFT market is a very wise decision to make but how do you plan to solve the copyright issues going around in the NFT market place now, are there some extra communication mechanisms provided by your platform.

TrustX should understand that copyright issues is a gain for the sell and loss for the buyer which can really affect a growing setup.

RJ: TrustX is first of its kind social app, built to address few fundamental challenges to the NfT landscape:

Mainstream Adoption

Intellectual Property (IP) & Copy Rights

User Experience

The design tech enables you to create from scratch. Which becomes your IP.

Those who upload from google, will go though reverse image check.

There is a video/music/image/inventory options for creators. You can capture a moment and create an NfT. You can convert your post/tweet into an NfT etc..

Community: I would like to know about TrustX censorship policy. It says on the site that you will resist censorship. Does it mean that a person can express any position without fear of being banned? Along with censorship is the issue of copyright. How will you track the authorship of the content on the platform, so creators are not afraid that their content will be stolen and sold as someone else’s NFT? I think this is an important point.

RJ: Its a decentralize app, so no gov or centralize entity can shut it down. Users will run the app.

Community: How do you plan to maintain high data integrity and strong on-chain security? There is a lot of demand for GraphQL, are you planning to add its integration

RJ: Data integrity or GDPR only works on public data. Our platform gives you the power to own your own data and monetize it through your talents.

Community: What is TustWorks’s plan for world expansion to build and develop customers and users or the TrustWorks partnership?

NFT is the main topic that is currently enjoying other projects so does TrustWorkshave future plans to add NFT to the TrustWorks product and how can I get NFT if you have an NFT product in the TrustWorks project?

RJ: Creator/Star on boarding requires a budget, which we have in our allocation. Adoption/Expansion depends on your product and simplicity. We will be reaching out to big names as Brand Ambassadors. But 1st we build.

Community: TrustX is on BSC network rather than on other blockchains. Aside from the low fees on Binance Smart Chain, are there any attractions or advantages that TrustX will benefit by launching on this chain? Will this chain be able to support your product features especially your planned NfT Social Marketplace, since NFTs are not as maturely developed on this chain as compared with Ethereum? Are there plans for cross-chains functions and interoperability? Thank you

RJ: We started with BSC due to speed and low fee. Now our cross chain integration will cater for all chains.

Community: As we know, that when the NFT is booming and a many of people support this. But, many artist/creator still don’t clearly understand NFTs especially because it still lack of editing platform, people still don’t know much how to make their own NFTs and the gas fee especially in ethereum based token is very high. How you solve this problems?

RJ: You must keep up to date with trends of NfTs. 720 and 1155 tokens have different characteristics. One works as static asset, the other works as dynamic. With 1155, you can have a whole team of curators working together to create a NfT concept and design.

Community: I just have this question about the first ever NFT staking governance TrustX will be introducing. This is something new. Am a bit anxious to know the feature of this governance model and how your NFT Community can use them in reaching decisions? Will the NFT staking governance have similar model with the DAO governance system used by Fungible token holders of common Defi projects?

RJ: We are using Decentralize Autonomous Organizations model for Governance. All automated voting mechanics for our key decisions. This will give our holders a voice within our platform.

100 TRUST = 1 VOTE



Trustworks Global
Trustworks Global

Written by Trustworks Global

We are building Trustvibes, a next-gen social app for creators & artists.

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